Plot your spot - Summer 2023!

My Fantastic Place is open once more for submissions during the 2023 summer holidays. We invite you to get creative and plot your spot on our maps.

How do I do this?

Welcome to My Fantastic Place

My Fantastic Place celebrates our connections with nature in lots of different creative ways. It is a project between imprint (that's us) and Great Ormond Street Hospital Arts. We invite you to take part and dream up your fantastic places.

You can explore My Fantastic Place Creations on three maps

Navigate the maps by scrolling and dragging, and tap on any of the markers to explore each Creation to see what people came up with.

My Fantastic Place is creativity focussed

We want to see these maps fill and grow with creativity and nature, and so we are inviting you to make something that is inspired by your favourite place in nature.

Make your Creation, then plot your spot

When you're ready to upload your Creation, tap on an empty area of the maps to begin the process. You can also find out more about making your Creation on our 'Create & Share' page

My Fantastic Place isn't supported on Internet Explorer at the moment. Please use Chrome, Safari or Firefox in the meantime, thanks!